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Božka gave birth to her first cub

Thursday, November 26 waiting for breeders Prague Zoo pleasant surprise. The five-year female bison Božka gave birth to her first baby. And a little baby immediately began to carefully take care of. She dabbed her and meet anyone who would want to disturb aired threatening thunderous snorting.

Božka as her keepers called for short, comes from Bratislava and Thursday is her first calf. Father bison females is three male Tipito that the Prague zoo came from Tierpark Berlin. Although the birth lasted four hours calf was once very active and already after half an hour started to drink by itself.

In Prague Zoo first bison appeared in 1948, and Thursday-born female is already 93. addition. He does not have a name yet, but it is certain that it will begin with the letters "PR". The names of bison in fact derived from the initial letters of the kennels where they were born. Female bison calf kisses a six-day Prague Zoo visitors can see the top of the zoo, near the lookout field.

Source: tz, Prague Zoo
Photo: Petr Hamerník, Prague Zoo

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