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Sexy Nela Boudová looking for a real man

Sexy Nela Boudová looking for a real man Not only men mature like a good wine! One of the lucky ones who deny the signs of aging, is an actress Nela Boudová.

Playful brunette does not even have his forties with its sexy curves need of a role, which reveals more than just your heart. His striptease in the film Empties pounding heart nejednomu viewer and trifle farther. Now even announced a competition for a real man!

With the selection of Mr. Divine, who could appreciate the quality of nonlinear actress willingly helped her longtime friend Thomas Matonoha. That the tender invited their friends Čtvrtníček Peter, Luke Pavláska or Oldrich Navratil. "Nela is a very beautiful woman, so I dare not even guess, who most impress her today, though I would not personally take, "dared to evaluate the performance of their colleagues James Žáček that fictitious bankruptcy, which is the main theme of a new clip Freak Show group Fru Fru, accompanied.

And surprise, had no chance of only one, and paradoxically, the prettiest of them nejurostlejší - Zdenek Moravec. "It was fun from beginning to end. Spend the day with so many witty and beautiful people at once, it does not happen that often. Just Zdeněk of DeaMenů us a little spoiled, "he forgave Luke Pavlásek ironic comment about a member of an acrobatic duo, who represents the clip handsome lords of creation. Namakané handsome but his eyes Nely Boudová masterfully aggressive tendencies real men with their "minor" deficiencies.

Group Fru Fru is not on the Czech music scene no stranger. During its ten-year existence, has won many fans among the famous faces Czech showbiz. These pilot script video for Freak Show songs from the album, which is based on the 15th February, so much fun that they decided to make their own play in it.

And because the film was accompanied by extraordinary creative effervescence and positive feedback, the four musicians decided to visually portray the other two singles. And that will be something to look forward to, no doubt!

The band Fru Fru active on the Czech music scene for almost ten years, and her fourth album, Freak Show promises a truly original musical production with imaginative lyrics that permeates across genres. Fru Fru presents a unique musical expression, which combines elements of pop, rock , funk, jazz and all flavored cabaret atmosphere with decadent theatrical elements. The leader of the group and also the author of texts, Vaclav Bartos, tried an unusual lyrics that listeners not only laugh, but also think about the deeper forces the content of the songs and constantly search for the author's true intent.

Video clip here .

Source: tz;

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