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Temperatures drop below zero. How to protect your property?

Temperatures below freezing can cause serious damage to property. In addition to frozen water pipe in the winter, homeowners also meet with the damage caused by the weight of snow and chunks of ice falling from the roof. Such events are life-threatening, the consequences thereof corresponds exactly to the owner of the building.

In connection with the expected cooling, we bring you some useful tips and information to help you protect assets during the cold winter months.

Frequent winter damage includes frozen water, either in the pipeline or in radiators, damaged roof structures weight of snow or storm, dropping snow and ice from roofs or accident on icy or snowy sidewalk. Not all damages associated with the winter weather, but may be covered by insurance. "For example, freezing snow and ice Eaves gutters, which causes the subsequent defrost leaking into the building, the damage is illiquid. In this case, you can not make the payment of insurance benefits, "says Petr Baný, CEO of Triglav." Same applies to damage caused by dampness or mold and improper installation of water supply and heating equipment, "adds Baný.

Damage may reach up to hundreds of thousands

While it may crash tap water or heating for frost seem like a trivial issue, the opposite is true. In this type of damage not only to leaking and damaged plaster, painting and floor coverings. It may also damage the electronics, furniture and other movable assets that make up the household. Damage can then gradually increase to the amounts in the hundreds of thousands.

I insured home should be prepared for winter

Especially in the case of real estate, which inhabit the year, before winter is necessary to check whether the water is drained from the pipeline. Another option is to use antifreeze heating medium or properly set the annealing, thus heating to a minimum temperature at which water freezes. The obligation to prevent damage exists, even if the object is insured. In its neglect of the policyholder runs the risk reduction of indemnification. "People should arrange insurance under the insurance of natural hazards and water damage insurance. Also worth considering insurance, "informs Roman Sznapka, product manager at Triglav Insurance Company." Insurance does not apply to abandoned buildings. It must therefore be the buildings that are properly maintained. Thus, if the building was insured for more than three days uninhabited, it is necessary to shut off the water. Otherwise, it may happen that the insurance company in case of emergency refuses to perform, "says Sznapka.

Do not forget insurance

As regards the damage caused by falling snow and ice from the roof, here comes the insurance building owners. If there is because of the falling snow or ice to the injury, for example, when the snow falls on the hood of the vehicle and the damage it has damaged a claim for damages. Responsibility in this case, of course, falls on the property owner. This can be especially annoying if the fall frozen water from the roof of injuries to bystanders. Škoda health in this case can be many times higher than the property. Especially with the effect of the new Civil Code of 2014, which will determine the compensation according to experts, often individually, and not on the basis of the existing tables. Recall that for any damage resulting defect in the viability of the pavement for some time now responsible not the owner of the adjacent property, but the owner of the sidewalk, as a rule, city or village.

Source: tz Lesenský.cz

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