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The most common myths about allergy sufferers

About Allergies hear something. Often they have a very distorted. What are the myths about them, according to doctors most often circulated?

Myth # 1. Revaluation laboratory examinations and tests.

The large number of patients think that when they come to the allergist, do they test to see what they are allergic to. In doing so, they themselves already know what makes them trouble. Alergolog of 90% makes the diagnosis already from an interview with the patient. Laboratory testing and tests are only for confirmation or clarification of conclusions drawn from an interview with the patient. Sometimes tests and laboratory examinations come positively, while a patient with said allergen has clinical problems. This means that only the immune system and sensitized with this allergen is able to cope - contact with it is then reflected as a disease.

Myth # 2. Doctor, give me drugs and I will cure the allergy.

Talent for the onset of allergy is determined genetically, and its development is bound to influence the external environment. If the patient is not understood and is willing to actively cooperate with treatment, edit your daily routine, way of life, their environment, there are no miracle cures or vaccines that did it for him. If the patient is willing to cooperate, then you may appropriately chosen treatment significantly affect the quality of life and allergies will not restrict its work and social activities.

Myth no. 3 I do not eat the chemistry is still enough alternative processes and products.

Yes, it is enough to alternative processes and products, but none of them has proven standard effect which moves at a maximum of 20 to 30% efficiency, which is the allergy efficacy of placebo. Truly effective treatment has a level of efficiency of 70-80%. The advantage but sometimes is that some of the patients, who can be an alternative route to coping with allergies, begin by themselves (often unknowingly) to apply the correct regime measures, and that in itself will significantly reduce the level of allergy problems.

Myth or fourth Doctor, I'm allergic to everything.

If a person is on something (food, medicine, inhaled allergens, etc.). Allergic, then this allergen reacts repeatedly, mostly stereotyped, often with increasing intensity at each subsequent meeting with the allergen. If one responds (hives, itching, diarrhea, etc.) and twice does not respond, then it probably is not an allergy, but some other cause. This often happens with difficulties in the digestive system - Malfunctions gallbladder, pancreas or intestine - which caused problems are blamed on food allergies. True food allergies are very few, their prevalence is around 1-3%. The total increase reactivity of the organism significantly affect certain medications, hormonal moods, cancer chemo and radiotherapy, stress disorder, post-traumatic and postoperative conditions, chronic inflammation, etc.

Author: Šárka Pelcová

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