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Wild animals seemed to keep fit exercise. as humans

The idea hummingbird gym or weight loss center for sea turtles makes us amused. Ekofyziolog Lewis Halsey of Roehampton University, UK however Jogging exercise wildlife thinks seriously. Animals invest some extra energy to exercise and physical development of its own to become faster, stronger and more skillful?

We humans as a species have mostly switched to the long sedentary lifestyle and have easy access to calories replete with food. Therefore, we need to train ourselves to a physically stunted, Halsey writes in the Journal of Animal Ecology. But what about, for example, porpoises living in the shallow waters off the coast? They train to pull to swim the dolphins who go after them? Author of the study on this issue swiftly is responsible, because the answer is so far very simple: "I simply do not know. This whole issue of energy ecology of animals is in fact still practically unexplored. "

Animals, of course, must be able to work with energy perfectly. They need it to move, attack, defense and ultimately for reproduction. And they have limited options for energy gain and even fewer ways to preserve it. "That is their energy ecology absolute foundation of success in life," said Halsey, who are professionally focused on how physiology and animal behavior generally affects their energy expenditures.

"Every morning I go jogging," says
Halsey. "I was thinking that if I stop running, my condition is reduced and thus the possibility of serving in periods of stress performance. But what if that animals are not you? "And they willingly spends some time training that could escape predators? Prepare to advance on a hot moments? In the literature, the answer unfortunately not located.

"Scientists have practically admit the idea that animals do anything to maintain or improve their fitness," says Halsey. "And that has to change." Purely theoretical level has an idea ekofyziologa from Roehampton logic. Common songbird spend hours jumping from branch to branch while collecting berries and only when danger appears, burn off the pace unmatched by previous hopping. It was about life and survival in such a moment depends on its condition.

"We know that animals adapt to their bodies in response to environmental conditions. Songbirds will gain weight to survive the winter, but not too much, to avoid becoming prey to predators. Porpoises in the ports where it is actually pursuing dolphins are much less fatty. They carry less stored energy in the form of fat to be faster and fled pursuers. "Halsey
says the opposite example. Where they disappear predators become slower and fatter animals. Great panda travels an average of 27 meters per hour. "Their low aerobic fitness is perhaps because they do not endanger the natural enemies."

Other animals maintain their shape without the need for exercise. For example, polar bears combusted during periods of fasting fat from different body areas but leave the key muscles during hunger unchanged. They're so after waking from hibernation physically as strong as before hibernation. For example, very special then Halsey deemed Barnacle Goose. The representatives of this species are able to survive in extreme form and manage the autumn move from Spitzbergen to Scotland 2,500 kilometers long. And despite the fact that migration out of flying up to a few minutes a day.

Halsey asserts that an entire chapter animal condition and energy ecology deserves attention. "Whether the animals, some of its activities are carried out fully or partially in order to keep fit, it gives a whole new dimension to our interpretation of animal behavior." Nobody had to speeches animal behavior exercisers looking through the lens of "trainees" animals.

Compiled by news on AlphaGalileo


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