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More than half of people are planning sex in advance

According to a survey by the American e-shop EdenFantasys, couples average 69 minutes of sex per week, 9 times a month. Still, 60% of people would like to love their partner more often. Most often, a busy daily program prevents them, so 52% of the population simply wants to have sex. Their most common choice is Saturday night, when 34% of people love the hotel room for amateur games.

Modern hectic life chooses its tax not only with stress, lack of sleep and poor nutrition, but also with the lack of time for partner love games. The recent survey of the US e-shop between 2,000 respondents focused on the changes in sexual culture. According to him, 60% of respondents would like to enjoy sex with their partner more often. And over half the people (52%) are helping out in a surprising way: sex is simply plotting for the exact date and time.

Better sex than none

Experts agree that for a partnership it is better to plan regular sex than none. It does not matter whether sex is spontaneous or planned. It is important for both partners to enjoy their love. "People usually represent a love act as a spontaneous affair, and they can think that planning is taking on beauty. Spontaneity, however, you do not even have to give up on the planned sex. Try to make some love out of time from time to time. This avoids that sex becomes a boring routine, "says Adam Durčák (

The love of the game is dominated by Saturday, the hotel

According to the most recent survey, a third of people spend most of the time on Saturday night on a game of love. While nearly a third (30%) of the population enjoys luncheon pre-shopping at the scheduled time, 34% of the hotel likes the room. "Two-fifths of people admit that they would like to try out some of their sexual fantasies during a love affair with their partner, for example, 29% of respondents attract anal sex, and 24% would like to try out role-playing," adds Adam Durčák.
The survey also found that couples spend on average 69 minutes a week on average and use it on average 9 times a month, with 3% of lovers managing 30 times a month, while 12% admit that sex has no time at all.

Source: tz, edited editorially

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