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Weekly Horoscope Feb 19 to Feb 25, 2018

Weekly Horoscope Feb 19 to Feb 25, 2018 It is nowhere written that you have to handle everything without help. Do not promise impossible. And give your neighborhood a chance to help. The more people work, the more time is left for fun - says King Miroslav Krasomil.

Week: 19 February 2018 - 25 February 2018

Aries (21.3.-20.4.)
Dear Lambs, it is now necessary to go patiently to their own. Do not deny anything and do not rush to the result. In the material sphere you can boldly bet on the spell of the word. You now have the persuasion skills that Kecal could envy from the "Deer". If you need to persuade someone to do something, then. At home, try to keep up with what's going on, because you will not turn back anything, you will not change. Time will show you were worried about something unnecessarily ..

Taurus (21.4.-20.5.)
Dear Bulls, what's going to bother or restrain you anyway, you have to make a strenuous process. Do not overlap. The faster you act, the sooner you will be relieved. In financial matters, you can go into anything that comes before you. There is no downswing, so why not try something new. Forget about your hard head in private! Otherwise, you will come across, someone will punish you positively. Stay away, in your own interest ..

Gemini (21.5.-21.6.)
Dear Gemini, you can have energy for two. Just use it in a positive direction, perhaps to help your neighbor. And take your present achievements with humility .. Unmatched light, clarification of some ambiguity, as well as showing the right direction at the last moment, could come to the material area. Do not pull your trousers far in front of the ford .. At home, you can experience minor inconveniences when it happens that there are some things different. Do not be so distracting. "Otherwise" does not have to mean "bad" . ;-)

Cancer (22.6.-22.7.)
Dear Racecourse, make a change yourself before someone does it for you - and in a different direction than you would like. Where you feel a certain pressure, you need to swiftly submit to it. Financial and labor matters are good to control by intuition, not by (well-meaning) advice from outside. What you feel is right is right. In your personal affairs, you tend to do everything. famous "Fifth through Ninth", and nothing will ever happen to you. Let's create perfect chaos around us. Priority needs to be done in order. And quickly..

Lev (23.7-23.8.)
Dear Lions, you're looking for problems where they are not. This hinders you in the way of success. Do not bother with some catastrophic scenarios. Thoughts tend to materialize, so do not risk. Satisfaction in the material area is obvious. Just do not forget about the future, or the back door. And to help your neighbor, if needed. In private, you can look forward to seeing something hopeless or not pleasant at all, and eventually it will happen quite unexpectedly. And to your advantage. You should turn on your cool head and not panic .. ;-)

Virgo (24.8.-23.9.)
Dear Dolls, you could expect rewards for patience. Where you have failed, you will be the winner. In your work, hold more of your heart, no matter how wisely a problem with such an attitude. It is not all, nor can it be just about money; you should know these in a specific situation these days. Mainly have a good feel of yourself .. You are handling too much at home too! Brake. It is nowhere written that you have to handle everything without help. Do not promise impossible. And give your neighborhood a chance to help. The more people are at work, the more time is left for fun - says King Miroslav Krasomile .. ;-)

Libra (24.9.-23.10.)
Dear Libra, someone will not fulfill the promise given to you. It should not be very poisonous to you, it seems like you did not predict one's own choices and your expectations were exaggerated. Lessons for the next .. ;-) At work, you are inclined to make a camel mosquito, you are looking for a problem where it is not. Be careful! You can call something unpopular. Refine your mind to a cheerful note. In privacy, you have a feeling of loneliness and you are all for yourself. You are not! You just can not help telling. And set priorities. Everything is worth it, respectively. in their absence. Remedy is just for you ..

Scorpio (24.10.-22.11.)
Dear Scorpions, in these days go cheery and exhilarating. Whatever the environment would have you inclined to hinder your flight, do not let it down. You have enough self-confidence to handle the challenges of these days with an overview. Financial matters will be fair. Whether or not it is for your benefit depends on how you tried, or how you let it go smoothly. The home sphere has a happy period ahead of you, which will also make some lucky coincidence. Things will come to you well, no matter how originally it is ..

Sagittarius (23.11.-21.12.)
Dear Sagittarius, around you "flying" a lot of love, understanding and satisfaction. If you have a different feeling, then you should think exclusively of yourself and your approach. Material abundance could envy you. Where you really are trying to secure yourself, you can not complain about the lack. In private, you need to listen to your feelings. Especially where you have little doubt about the correctness of your trip, stop and rethink your steps. Doubts signify a warning, think about it ..

Capricorn (22.12.-20.1.)
Dear Capricorn, this week you have very nice and very beneficial things in front of you. You could distribute energy, but do not waste it on insignificant things. The material sphere in your submission is one big positiv. You can be proud of yourself, especially when you can help and where you need it. This period is as created for your help as needed. Believe that even "investment" in charity investment is! You will come back many times and in many ways. These are unnecessary worries. They will take care of the higher protection forces they are already aiming for ..

Aquarius (21.1.-19.2.)
Dear Aquarius, in many of you, it turns out that you could pay for your credibility. Someone betrays you, sometimes inadvertently. But you rather want. Well, consider who to trust. At work, forget that you would have "sneaked" somewhere and had some time spent working. Not by accident! You are under control without knowing. So try .. At home it is necessary to stay in your positions. Whatever you want to convince you to the contrary, try it despite the feelings, be relentless. In his own interest ..

Fish (20.2.-20.3.)
Dear Pisces, it is more than likely that you will feel wrinkled like a lemon. Mainly psychically. But the state is at your side: you can not say "no" in the belief that everyone needs to be happy to love you. This is a very mistaken assumption. At work, watch your own because somebody wants to slander you and the only defense against this stupidity is to ignore her wearer. He does not even reach your ankles and knows well! .. Privacy is currently your oasis. Having some worries, these will solve a greater protective force so you can throw them behind your head and take care of things that are nice to you .. ;-)

Famous words to think:
"The most lost day of our life is one in which we did not smile ..." (Chamfort S. Roch)

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