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How to protect the oceans? Choose seafood carefully. A buy or carp

Ekolist, December 12, 2014 - The unceasing demand for seafood drives more and more fishing boats to catch more and more fish. As stated by Jan Freidinger, who leads an organization Greenpeace Oceans Campaigner, 90 percent of the world's oceans is přelovena and many species of fish are on the edge of extinction.

What can we do we, the consumers? Carefully choose the type of fish and how and in what waters were captured. From tomorrow it will be easy thanks to mandatory labeling. And who wants to have about the world's oceans with complete peace of mind, let buys Czech carp.

Saturday, December 13 is the date from which must be on the packaging of fish available information that will help consumers with the responsible selection. The European Union introduces an obligation to inform consumers about some important matters relating to the purchased fish.

Example, a consumer learns what fish you actually buys. The packaging is mandatory, not only the commercial name of the fish, as well as its Latin name. Furthermore, the consumer learns from what location the fish come from and what method they are caught (or how they were kept). On the basis of this information can give priority to those products that are kinder to our seas.

Of course, not every consumer is fully righted about how the population of a given species in a given area lead. Greenpeace has compiled a consumer guide that selection order. A offers background information .

One advice is quite simple: who wants to protect oceans from the incursions of fishing boats, whether buys Czech carp or other herbivorous fish Czech. Says Jan Freidinger from Greenpeace, breeding these fish is generally acceptable environmental impacts.

Buy Czech fish before Christmas is no problem, soon there will be full street. Kapra but you can enjoy throughout the year. Is available at major retailers or can be purchased directly at nurseries


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