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Big data: it will be warm, but the extreme cold we come

The average global temperature is rising. This is related to the occurrence of extremely hot summer days, but paradoxically, extremely cold winters. Part of global climate change are in fact large fluctuations in temperature.

Researchers from Northeastern University, who analyzed a large amount of data (called. Big data) argues that although the average warming, we still have to reckon with the extremely cold weather events.

"And at the same time it must be remembered that year, which was generally colder than usual in the last decade, there is still evidence disputing the hypothesis of global warming," said
Evan Kodra from Northeastern University. Along with fellow Auroopem Ganguly are the authors of a research paper that just came out in Scientific Report.

Thanks meziuniverzitnímu project worth tens of millions of dollars, scientists use tools for processing large volumes of data (called. Big data) from climatology. The goal was to better understand what role climate extremes.

Scientists by analyzing big data believe that natural processes, which cause climate anomaly nowadays, it will cause in the future, while the warmer climate. As an example, they snowmelt in warm years, which may lead to the fact that winter will be colder. This hypothesis can be verified by scientists to observing the evolution of temperatures.

Kodra and Ganguly in his simulations have used current climate models developed by the International Panel on Climate Change. In their simulations added data associated with extreme weather. The aim was to observe how the variability of extreme temperatures influenced by time of year, geographic region, and other factors.

The conclusions of scientists are not only important for science itself, but may also have impacts on society as a whole. "Information from this research can be useful for farmers, insurance companies, but also for the health sector," Kodra lists. For example, insurers that focus on the agriculture sector need to know what you can expect temperature fluctuations.


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