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Sexual Myths - Common orgasm and penis size

Our sexuality and sexual feelings are under constant media pressure. Everywhere lurking guaranteed instructions on what is the best location, the best way to achieve orgasm that dietary supplements provide men an erection hard enough that we aphrodisiacs guaranteed to increase sexual desire. In addition, our celebrities claim to have sex look how we live it and how many times a week or daily, we indulge in sexual games.

It is no wonder that many of us pause about whether how your love life experience is correct. And it is not surprising that many of us after reading various newspapers and magazines will start to feel inferior and begins to doubt that "it" done right.

One would say to me - "Do you thickened head." For sexuality are no simple instructions, like there are simple instructions on how to lose weight, feel better, how to solve conflicts or not to be depressed. Each one is an original, unique. And so what he does well in sex, must look for. You can first recognize myself in autoerotic - what touches and specify where it causes pleasure or bring him to orgasm. Then these discoveries can discuss with your partner - and also discover some new - and provided that he / she agrees and it hurts someone else, everything is permitted.

Right orgasm: what is it?

Do not be tied down notes that - for women - only vaginal orgasm is the right one or that - for men - orgasm achieved by oral stimulation is not right. Any female or male orgasm is good, however it is achieved. There are many women never achieve orgasm, but can enjoy sex.

Common orgasm? Seldom

A similar myth is a common orgasm. Someone never fails, someone a few times in a lifetime. But why bother? It is necessary? Every person before orgasm is a bit "off" and focus solely on themselves. Experiencing significant only your physical sensations. Thus too oblivious of the other partner. And often each partner needs to reach orgasm, something a little different. One meets move quickly, the other slowly, one one position to another other. It is therefore better if it is first satisfied by one partner - usually it is a woman, because men usually subsides after orgasm erection - and then the other partner? Sex then becomes a truly loving and mutual intimacy, not just gymnastics.

Sex is not just intercourse

Sex is not only coitus - intercourse - that is, penis inserted into the vagina. Sexual practices are far richer. If sex is reduced only to intercourse, not only that the partners are losing many beautiful mimokoitálních activities, but also can knead for any inconvenience. Many of the male and female sexual dysfunction - erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation in men and anorgasmia and decreased sexual desire in women - kicks off unreasonable expectations, beliefs or prejudices that something must be only and only as we read somewhere, for example, that when each sex must be a penis in the vagina, or it is not sex.

Source: U lékař

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