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Skin affected by psoriasis sun gently set the

Summer at the door, newspapers and magazines full of warnings about the harmful effects of the sun and our shelves with cosmetics to enhance the sunscreen, preferably with a high UV factor. And most of us have healthy skin.

What should follow people with a skin condition called psoriasis , it let's bring in the next few councils.

Slight tanning - UVB rays reduces inflammation and helps skin healing effect on the skin cells, which are excessively fast odloupávají. Short episode sunbathing is beneficial to Avoid sunburn. Long-term, unusual sun exposure can be harmful to the skin, especially for people with fair skin.

Appropriate skin protection - the right choice sunscreen protects the skin from damage by UV rays. Suitable creams are developed for atopic with minimal factor 25th Renew paint every few hours, especially if you bathe. Also hydrate skin body lotions. Appropriate skin care reduces itching and cracking and soothes scaly lesions.

Comfortable clothing - too tight clothing irritates the skin and leads to deterioration of symptoms. They are also unsuitable materials like lycra and synthetic fibers, poorly absorbs sweat. Choose the clothes and underwear made from natural materials such as cotton. Natural material is suitable for shoes. You can use foam, cork or liner filled with water and relieve the pressure on the affected shoe soles. Good is when shoes have soft soles that absorb shock while walking and helps the healing.

Swimming with caution - watch out for the time spent in the water before bathing in grease. After swimming, take a shower - salt water, chlorine or otherwise chemically treated water can irritate the skin. Skin after showering dry well with a soft towel. Generally, salt water and sun psoriatikům improve disease status at least temporarily.

Protect yourself from skin damage - some patients have noticed new lesions of psoriasis 10-14 days after being stung or bitten by some insect or otherwise injured skin. Protect yourself from insects is difficult - repellents contain chemical ingredients diseased skin irritant. Again, it is recommended to choose natural products, such as citric candles.

Alcohol in moderation - excessive drinking can be a trigger for psoriasis. Therefore, the following applies: alcohol, yes, but with reason.

Source: Rheumatic

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