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Quick dinner, which nepřejíte

Quick dinner, which nepřejíte "What should I cook again?" Common questions that you ask people (mostly women) way home from work. To make it easy dish to prepare, nutritious, everyone feasted on it and still look like an original - no monotonous glop of everyday life. How to solve this equation with many unknowns and nedosazovat to her the same thing - sausages, bread, cold plate, microwave oven? We have a few tips.

Meat adds minerals, vitamins salad

Baked steak quality meat with a mixture of pickled vegetables is a perfect dinner after a hectic day, or during the day if you did not have time for a hot meal. It is ready in half an hour and you need to prepare its minimum ingredients. Meat to the pan and toss in the meantime, prepare fresh vegetables. Ideally, fresh cucumber, juicy peppers, radishes and sparkling pieces picked lettuce, lettuce or romaine lettuce. For a lighter version of the Flood vegetable oil, lemon juice and lightly season with herb salt, pepper or sprinkle with fresh herbs. If you hungrier, stir in a little salad dressing (preferably yoghurt). A wide selection of flavors can be found for example in the range of the company Spak. The mass fits spicy garlic dressing, blue cheese (perfect for chicken meat) or a light dressing garden herbs, which is available in organic quality.

Vegetable soup fills you up, but failure

If you are a soup, this is your ideal meal, which in itself offers a number of permutations. In addition, you can put the rest the next day at work for lunch (soup is well rozleželá best). The basis of preparation of the vegetable broth, chopped onion into pieces and pretty much any vegetables - from tomatoes, celery to broccoli, squash or zucchini. All ingredients opražte lightly with oil and pour boiling broth. Pick up sufficiently softened vegetables in a blender and blend. Add back to the broth, cook briefly and then season to taste, or dilute broth or loosened sour cream.

Salads with bread

Grateful meal without the work that will take you for every diner itself. In a bowl, pour on the basis salad - vegetables of all kinds. On the table ready olive oil, lemon, spices, herbs, dressings to taste the individual members of the household - such as garlic for lovers of spicy flavors, yogurt-tomato for fans of fresh flavors, with fine French gourmet mustard from Spak ... and of course, whole grain breads, cheeses and ham. Depending on your taste, you can add in small bowls olives, sardines, or some butter that will be left over from the weekend celebrations.

Pancakes or tortilla in a hundred ways

We do not recognize sweet dinner? Treat yourself to savory pancakes. Great are necessary with spinach and chicken or a la Mexico with beans, corn and tomato paste. To do this, a lot of vegetables, yoghurt dressing or sauces (the great Mexican, green pepper or chili-garlic from Spak).

Principles balanced dinner

Whether you require a warm dinner or you just piece of bread with cheese, remember that the basic prerequisite for a healthy diet is vividness. When you eat only vegetables every evening, you will be missing vitamins. The solution is to be egg on Hnilička. The cup you have it pitched for three minutes and one such egg fill you up more than four scrambled. Likewise, vice versa - the fact that you are a lover of meat, does not eat every day fillet (tomato, dill, brown) sauce with eight dumplings. Give you prefer a lean steak and vegetables that hill, even if it's richly flavored dressing. So if you're not watching calories. Unlike dumplings into each receive something other than carbohydrates.

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