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As I met with Peter. Reporter'adoptivní maminky' from a trip to Kenya

During October, I had planned a business trip to Kenya and on that occasion I got the idea to visit my adopted child named Peter Joshua Kamau. Lad we have adopted with a friend in 2013, when we decided to join the project. For several weeks we were looking for a suitable organization. As almost everyone we were worried that the money actually went where they should. Many of my friends discouraged me from distance adoption that nowadays want a man just to rob, and that money is as good a thing never receive.

Dialog Center, we decided to personally visit and get information about adoption. We liked the idea of ​​visiting the Children. Also it was nice that we were not not exerting pressure and the contract can be terminated at any time. We returned home with a firm decision to help someone. We have opened a database, where there were many children who needed a helping hand and it was very difficult to make a choice. Then we discovered it, a smiling little boy. We liked that we could sponsor from the beginning (at the time he was five years old). As one of the few smiling despite all the problems and misery in which he had to grow up. Adoption procedure was very simple. After half a year, he came first letter, from which we were thrilled. In a letter to several color pictures and a few words in English. Since then, every few months we arrive in the mailbox a letter from Peter, along with the report card.

Let me return to my visit. Once I had a ticket, so I contacted Mrs. Lucie Tamášová, director of the organization. I am very surprised by the quick response and accepting a visit. I expected to be a snag. Within two days, we have resolved all the necessary things and I could look forward to meeting you. A day before departure, I bought a few soccer balls and other trifles for Peter. I arrived in Nairobi on Oct. 6 early in the morning and a few hours longer for me at the front desk waited two local coordinators: Ahmed and Vincent. After an hour drive we arrived at the school Rosebella Preparatory Academy.

The school is for children from the poorest sections of Nairobi and is located in Dandora. We got out of the car and went to the school building. At that time, I am taught, so I had the opportunity to know the first lady director Rosabella Wambui, who pioneered the project. Ms. Rosabella already waiting for me and I could provide very interesting information about the running of the school.

Then we could go to different classes and greet children. The children were obviously from my visits enthusiasm. Always greeted me nicely, and then sang a song. Older pupils in English, Swahili younger. I could not wait joint meeting with Peter. We went around a few more classes before we finally arrived at the boy. Coordinators conceived it in an entertaining way and I had to guess which of the lads is Peter. After a moment's hesitation (all are alike to me), I saw again that beautiful smile and I knew it was him. The children were very amused and began to laugh. It is not often that anyone would come after them. The next two hours, I had the opportunity to explore and the rest of the class. I even had the opportunity to visit the preschool. It was great, I really liked it there. The children were charming, although a bit scared in the beginning. I broke the barrier with the help of sweets, which I distributed them.

My teacher was amazing, she showed me how to sleep after lunch as they learn basic vocabulary and then I sang a few songs. During lunch, the children scattered out of the classes, and of course everyone wanted to slap me and take a picture. It is good to show pictures then, they always have great joy. With Peter, headmistress, teachers and coordinators we went to Peter's home. I was very glad that I can see with my own eyes how Peter lives. After five minutes of walking we arrived at the destination. There waiting for us with his mother, a smaller brother, whom I had the opportunity to see in school. Fortunately, he has a sponsor. Peter's mother is half his body paralyzed and a family man fled after the birth of her second baby boy.

Housing is really simple. Little room, where the table, a stove and a bed behind a curtain where everyone sleeps three. Dry toilet is the only one on the floor for the next three flats. Do not expect any shower, there is only a bucket. Water must be down to the yard. I had the opportunity to talk with the help of coordinators who translated, with Peter's mother. Ms. thanked constantly crying. It was very touching ... It was only then that I realized how important for these children a helping hand. When I left, so the hallway were several children that were sponsors and asked me they are also supported so that they can go to school. It was sad and also unfair that someone gets the chance, and others do not. We escorted Peter back to school, and the last time we all took a picture and said goodbye. Next stop was an hour away Kibera School Utu Academy in one of the largest slums in Africa - Kibera. And there I had the opportunity to attend all classes and talk with teachers. Coordinator Ahmed took me an hour tour of the slum. He lives in Kibera. I must admit that I was shocked to see such appalling living conditions I've ever seen and I have visited several slums around the world. Back at the hotel I arrived around five in the afternoon, and could think about the life situation of children. Despite all the kids happy. A smile lit up their eyes and they just will not fade away. I admire all the coordinators and the entire teaching staff, which is doing an excellent job for almost zero wage.

I'm glad I'm in this project several years ago and involved at least one child I can improve the situation. Each of you can do, you just want.
Many thanks to Lucie Tamášová which I prepared an amazing day that I will never forget. I look forward to the next reunion with Peter.

Author: Desislava Kirova

Dialogue Centre, ops created the program "Adoption of African children - distance help project" in 2002 and with the help of Czech "adoptive parents" went through the project and was given his chance at education over 4,000 children from Guinea and Kenya. For those who would like to join the program, it is recommended to read more, or download frequently asked questions and answers.

Source: Center

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