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Cuba has its charm - but well-hidden risks

Visiting Cuba is an unforgettable experience. Order but the memories remain just nice, it is necessary to know about this country some important facts. What is good before you go to Cuba to know?

insidious fever

Although Cuban authorities are not required by tourists no mandatory vaccinations, all travelers are recommended vaccinations against hepatitis A and B. In addition to the risk of contracting hepatitis, which can be minimized, however, proper vaccination is a must when visiting this country think about the dangerous dengue fever. Against this there is no vaccine available, and therefore is an essential measure of prevention.
The disease is transmitted through mosquito bites, thus protect against mosquitoes by using repellents and mosquito nets.
Although the situation regarding this disease considered stable, you should not underestimate any flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle and joint pain. These are in fact manifestations and dengue fever.
In any suspicion of disease definitely consult a doctor.

Use caution when eating

Water from the normal water supply network in Cuba is not suitable for drinking. You should consume only purchased and properly packaged fluid. Caution is necessary even when taking food from vendors on the street - those are better as a precautionary measure to avoid altogether. Part of the travel outfit would always be on hand disinfectants.

Insurance is mandatory

Cuba, unlike other countries where travel insurance is only recommended for closure explicitly takes. They must be agreed for the entire stay. If you arrived into the country without insurance, officials will insist that you procured it at the airport. This can be quite inconvenient or administratively complicated, which is the beginning of the holiday znepříjemní unnecessarily. Travel insurance, which enclose still at home before departure, you can adjust as needed to secure a sufficiently high indemnity limits. In addition, the fuse can be complemented by various insurance activities.

Treatment is not free

If you have the Cuban health problems that require a visit to a general practitioner, plan payment $ 25. If you move around the larger tourist resorts, you will find them in hospital for foreigners. On the financial side, the price of health care and medicines is comparable with developed countries.

Do not risk needlessly

Health during travel related to safety. In Cuba, there is a relatively large number of thefts and robberies of tourists, both at night and in daylight. You should therefore avoid deserted places at night by themselves do not carry large amount of money and expensive electronics and take your things under control. Vote less conspicuous clothing and move rather a group of people, and not alone.

Source: Travel

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