, social magazine

Graduates and mandatory premiums

Students do not have to pay health insurance because health insurance is paid for by the state. Social insurance is only payable by some students with respect to their future pension entitlements. But how does it pay for health and social insurance after graduation?

For students under 26, health insurance is paid by the state. Social insurance does not apply to students, since 2010, the period of study is no longer evaluated until the period of insurance affecting the pension entitlements. Non-profit students are also not entitled to sickness benefits. However, some students are already paying voluntary pension insurance during their studies, the minimum amount of which this year is CZK 1,977. "According to the current legislation, the study period from 2010 can also be reversed in the form of voluntary pension insurance," adds Gabriela Ivanco (Mazars).

Health insurance and student status

Health insurance must always be paid, with state insurance paid by the state, and the students are considered among others. If the student continues to study after the holidays, he / she remains student status during the summer holidays as well. Upon graduation at secondary school, the status of a student lasts until the end of the school year and during the last few holidays if the graduate does not carry out a gainful activity on sickness insurance during the last holidays. "Maturants who have done their last day off during July and August and make money only for contracts for work with a monthly reward of CZK 10,000 or less have everything in their health insurance company," adds Gabriela Ivanco.

Entry into employment

Graduates who work for a standard employment contract pay 4.5% health insurance and 6.5% of their gross wages for social insurance. Another 9% of health insurance and 25% of social insurance are still paid for by the employer. There is no need to worry about the calculation and deduction of health and social insurance, all responsibility lies with the employer. If the social and health insurance is poorly calculated, the employer is sanctioned by the competent institutions. "As several health insurance companies operate on the market, an employee must report to the employer when the insurer is insured and always notify the payee within eight days of any change," explains Gabriela Ivanco.

More employment and mandatory premiums

Some graduates work simultaneously for more employers. If the work is performed on a part-time basis or on the basis of an agreement on work activities or agreements to perform work with a monthly remuneration above the limit, then the compulsory premiums are deducted from all income. It does not apply, therefore, that health and social insurance is paid only for higher income and not for others. Health and social insurance is not only paid out of the monthly remuneration from an employment agreement of up to CZK 2 499, and from the monthly remuneration from employment contracts up to a limit of CZK 10 000 per employer.

Starting a business

Graduates who, after successfully completing their studies, whether secondary or college, decide to pursue the main self-employment, must count on monthly advances. In the first year only minimum monthly deposits are paid. With higher earnings, the mandatory premium will be paid after the Survey of Income and Expenses has been submitted. Monthly advances must be paid from the start of the main self-employment, even though the first customer payments may be needed after a few months. The minimum monthly deposit for health insurance is CZK 1,906 and social insurance CZK 2,061. The health insurance deposit is payable until the 8th day of the following month and on social insurance until the 20th day of the following month.

Pay attention to the payment of 1 485 CZK

Graduates who have not received insurance for the last two years (usually in the form of employment) of at least 12 calendar months are not entitled to unemployment benefit. If they fail to find a job immediately after a successful study, it is good to register with the Labor Office in time. For all citizens registered with the Labor Office, health insurance is paid by the state. Unemployed graduates who do not register at the employment office have to pay health insurance themselves as a person without taxable income. The monthly amount is CZK 1,485.

Source: tz Lesensky, edited

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