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, Superpotravina' that will help solve many problems

Lately it is very modern use of the term "superfood". You refer to anything that has for our body a beneficial effect, due to a concentrated amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many other beneficial substances. Experts are scrambling to discover the exotic "superfoods" that is but difficult to find or very expensive. While one of them we know and enjoy thousands of years - cow's milk.

Milk, yogurt, cheese, starters, cottage cheese and other dairy products are considered essential source of vitamins and minerals. They represent for us literally vitamin bomb.
"From the mineral substances are specifically calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, iodine. Of the vitamins are both fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and vitamin B group and C, "explains Dr.. Carolina head, Ph.D., researcher of the project plus White.

A great advantage of cow milk is that it is very well usable. If your taste in classic form, you can choose from a wide range of dairy products. Moreover, you can be combined with almost anything.

What you will help to milk and milk products?

1) Milk is beneficial in the case of type 2 diabetes.
If we consume milk or fermented milk products regularly, increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin. This reduces blood sugar levels. Ultimately, the reduced demands on the production of insulin. Surveys have shown that regular consumption of dairy products can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 21%.
2) Dairy products can reduce heart disease and heart attack risk

The main risk factor for stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure, kidney damage and high blood pressure. Studies indicate that dairy products may participate just to reduce blood pressure. For this positive effect is responsible mainly calcium, vitamin D, potassium, phosphorus and bioactive peptides are contained in milk precisely. Studies have shown that regular consumption of milk is associated with a 19% reduction in the incidence of heart disease and consumption of dairy products may reduce the risk of heart attack.
3) Bolder milk and milk products, improve immunity

Researches of recent years show that a big role in steering immunity plays vitamin D, which is, among other things. Contained in milk. It should be stressed, however, that the vitamin D is in the fat component. It is therefore sufficiently present in whole milk, butter and fatty dairy products. Vitamin D ensures a balance between the white blood cells that are responsible for our defenses. If we accept lack of vitamin D, the immunity may turn against your own body. The result is severe immunopathological disease, e.g. multiple sclerosis, or. cerebrospinal or rheumatoid arthritis.
4) Dairy products help to prevent ulcers

For gastric ulcers, in addition to the hectic lifestyle of responsible and our eating habits. Let us follow therefore the results of studies that show that higher intake of fermented dairy products (yogurt, starters, kefir) is associated with a lower incidence of ulcer disease.
5) Prevention of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease of the elderly, which are starting to appear the first complication. However, the causes can be found in childhood. For proper development of the skeleton is a need to adopt the ideal ratio of calcium, phosphate and magnesium, which now includes milk. Therefore, in terms of prevention of osteoporosis most important childhood and adolescence. Daily we should eat 2-3 servings of milk or dairy products.
6) diarrhea and indigestion can solve yogurt
Fermented milk products improve the quality of the composition of the "microbiota" digestive tract. Produced zkvašováním milk with the aid of pure medical cultures, including probiotic, which are necessary for the correct composition "microbiota" digestive tract.
7) Milk and milk products facilitate weight loss
In the case of obesity are predominantly low-fat dairy products, which have relatively little energy thanks proteins contained fills up very well. Another major component is calcium milk for which has been repeatedly demonstrated a positive effect on weight loss.
8) Cheese pregnancy ensures a healthier baby teeth
It is scientifically proven that an adequate intake of cheese and dairy products during pregnancy reduces the risk of tooth decay in children. The recommended daily intake of calcium from the second trimester is 1500 mg. Excellent source of well-absorbed calcium are hard cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk. These products also contain much-needed vitamin D.
9) Cocoa best helps regenerate muscles
Cocoa helps muscle recovery much stronger than water or other carbohydrate drinks for athletes. Cocoa has balanced ratio of protein and carbohydrates. After the end of sporting activities very well serve to supplement protein, carbohydrates, calcium and sodium. Furthermore, high water content in the milk replace fluid and prevents dehydration after training.

Do you suspect that you're comfortable milk or dairy products well? See your doctor to help you determine a diagnosis. In most cases you but the incidence of lactose intolerance or milk protein allergy refute.

"All people are born after sufficient lactase activity because they must spend breastmilk. Our population keeps Fortunately, lactase activity in adulthood. Its deficiency is demonstrated in less than 10% of people. Other human populations, eg. Yellow or Negro, losing lactase activity and milk intolerant. These data are unfortunately uncritically transferred into our population and lactose intolerance is significantly overestimated, "warns
Prof. RNDr. Jan Krejsek, PhD. the project plus White.

Besides lactose intolerance, which is caused by reduced activity of the enzyme lactase, may rarely cause health problems caused by the consumption of dairy milk protein allergy. But that is pathophysiologically completely different from intolerance to lactose. It is an immunopathological response mediated by IgE antibodies which react in a certain way with defined allergens milk. In allergic persons and cause exposure to mere trace amounts of allergen immediate allergic reaction that comes in a few minutes.

As in the case of lactose intolerance are proven cases of milk protein allergy in our population are rare. They occur most frequently in childhood (at 2-3% year-olds). Most pediatric patients, however, these difficulties can "grow" and adulthood, the incidence of milk protein allergy is estimated at 0.1-0.5% of the population.

"It should be added that concerns about lactose intolerance or milk protein allergy are unfounded in most people. The exclusion of dairy from the diet of healthy people can have on their body adverse effects, "says prof. RNDr. Jan Krejsek, PhD., The project plus White. More on

Source: tz
Author tz: Sarka Podlenová

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