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Water will be missed by 2030 two thirds of humanity

Water is a miracle liquid, without which there is no life on Earth possible. In addition to drinking, cooking and hygiene use it every day in the industry, to grow crops, the production of electricity. We take it for granted, while in some parts of the world are women and children walking for water and carrying it home forced to spend several hours a day.

The whole planet currently living 780 million people lack access to safe drinking water and more than 2.5 billion people facing water shortages due to poor hygienic conditions. World Water Day, which the whole world celebrates 22nd March, highlights the importance of water in our lives and find a solution to the sustainability of water resources in international cooperation.

Every year 1.8 million children die from illnesses caused by dirty water

Rapid human population growth and urban development, industrialization and bumping of water resources will lead to an increasing demand for water. Concomitant use of water by humans is not sustainable. As stated by the World Bank, by 2030 water demand will increase by 40% and two thirds of the world population will suffer from water shortages. Water problems will also affect the price and supply of agricultural raw materials and food. Let's not forget is that about 70% of fresh water is used for irrigation in agriculture.

In developing countries due to poor sanitation and lack of clean water each year millions of people die and millions more seriously ill. According to statistics, every year 1.8 million children die within five years of the diarrheal diseases caused by dirty water. People's access to clean water, according to statistics, but gradually improving. As stated by UNICEF, in the years 1990 - 2010 to gain access to cleaner water sources (protected wells, water mains) two billion people, but in some regions the situation remains very serious. In sub-Saharan Africa, where water resources are limited and generally small governments will treat water gently and organized, it has access to water only 60% of the population. The poorest people living in urban slums in developing countries often pay more for water than the rich, because their homes are not connected to the water network.

In Europe, there are problems with water related mainly to over-exploitation of water resources and water scarcity caused by climate change and drought. In the European discussion come the questions about abuse of water resources such as the maintenance of golf courses. European governments also solves problems associated with water pollution by organic substances that lead to overgrowth of algae in ponds and rivers. This is due to the excessive use of fertilizers in agriculture. Another serious problem is the pollution of groundwater, industrial pollution and pesticides and nitrates, which also come from agriculture.

Virtual water: water enclosed in the food and clothing

In the Czech Republic in 2011, the water consumption of 88.6 liters per person per day. When we add another example of the power industry and services, we come to a number závratnému 135.8 liters per person per day. Significantly higher than our direct consumption of water but water footprint, which represents the water consumed in the production of goods and delivery of services. However many goods that we consume in Europe, such as the food should be, or textile products, is grown and produced on the other side of the hemisphere. Paradoxically, countries with small water supplies often use a significant portion of its water resources to produce goods and export to countries with ample supplies of water. Estimates We Are Water Foundation, about 55% of imported food from countries that suffer from a lack of drinking water.
As stated in Water Footprint Network (WTN), total water footprint of an average Czech reaches about 4500 liters per day, of which 37% came from abroad.

What to do to reduce the huge water consumption?
Limit the purchase of bottled water and restaurant say about tap water
Capture rainwater in tanks and later use it for watering gardens
Instead of taking a bath with a shower shortly

What you may not know about water:
Over the last century, exceeding the rate of increase in water consumption doubled population growth
780 million people do not have access to sources of clean water and nearly 2.5 billion people lack adequate sanitation
70% of drinking water is used in agriculture (in fast growing economies, it is up to 90%)
In 2025, live 1800 millions of people in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity and two thirds of the world's population will live in a state of tension
Every day people throw into waterways 2 million tonnes of waste
The brewing one cup of coffee virtually consume 140 liters of water
As you bathe in a tub consume up to 200 liters of water
To grow kilogram of rice is needed 2450 liters of water
The production of one cotton T-shirt needs 2700 liters of water

Source: tz ADRA

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