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Cancer after coloring your hair? 4 myths about the origin of tumors

The Internet and other sources upon us a wealth of information about cancer. Which of these are true, and that misleading? In this article you will find some of the most common myths set out to debunk.

One woman said

Of cancer, despite the great medical advances still shrouded in mystery. It is therefore not surprising that among the general public, who are also some other information unintelligible and inaccessible, circulates a number of "reliable" information about cancer. Here are the four most common:

Myth 1: Cancer is contagious
Truth: This disease is not among the infectious diseases, from cancer patients therefore can not infect cancer. Nevertheless, although the formation of some types of cancer involved viruses. The most famous is HPV - human papillomavirus - which is sexually transmitted and increases the risk of cancer of the cervix, anus and certain cancers of the mouth. Another case of the hepatitis viruses B and C, which contribute to the formation of liver tumors.

Myth # 2: I do not have to worry if this did not solve the problem yet no one in my family
Truth: Only 5-10% of cancer cases are hereditary, and thus passed to offspring. Most models are otherwise caused by changes in the genetic information (DNA), but they are obtained - will it only during the life of the individual. The emergence of such changes or mutations is supported by risk factors such as smoking, excessive exposure to UV radiation and certain chemicals.

Myth # 3: If a relative had cancer, I get it too and you can not do anything about it
Reality: Although the incidence of cancer in the family increases the likelihood that the malignant disease is found also in you, it is not possible to definitively predict. In fact, it is assumed that four out of ten cases of the disease can be prevented by simple changes in lifestyle. It is important to eat a balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight, limit alcohol and avoid smoking. In addition, in people with an inherited trait to cancer, which significantly increases their risk of disease, doctors recommend regular monitoring, operation or use of preventive medications.

Myth # 4: Hair dyes and antiperspirants can cause cancer
Truth: Today has not been scientifically proven that these cosmetics may increase your risk of developing cancer. Some studies have come up with that hair dyes used before 1980 could be related to nonhodgkinskými lymphomas, but has since been dangerous chemicals from dyes hair removed.

Why someone will develop cancer, while the other is healthy, it is not entirely clear even to scientists. But it is certain that there is an interplay of inherited talents with environmental factors. To some extent, therefore, the danger can affect themselves and we should not yet be deterred by superstition.

Source: Treatment

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