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Errors in food storage

Storing and preserving food are governed by many rules. While compliance is extremely important to preserve the taste, aroma itself but also the quality of food that directly affects our health. Most often we make mistakes in observance temperature conditions for safe storage of food. Even a deviation of 1 ° C could mean that food becomes defective health.

Often Exceed the maximum period of storage or cold refrigerator keep food that does not belong there.
Here we present the most common mistakes in food storage.

Error no. 1: Failure of suitable conditions for storage

Before storing food it is necessary to determine under what conditions it is advisable to store food. It is often observed that food store at its own discretion. While the temperature of the space intended for storage, the humidity and the amount of light that have a major impact on the quality and safety of food and thus on our health. "The storage of food should meet specific requirements in order to prevent the destruction of food. For example, even a deviation of 1 ° C may affect the quality of food. Therefore, it is important to constant temperature, humidity and limited amount of light. For example, to store the autumn crop in the basement, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature remained in the range of 1-5 ° C. Specific conditions of course depend on the type of food and storage purposes, "advises expert Peter Píša Frigomont from the company that provides the storage solution in the food industry.

Error no. 2: Keeping dry food in its original packaging

Often we buy dry foods like cereal or other food wrapped in plastic packaging in the belief that in them we can longer periods store. On the short-term storage plastic bag will suffice. But during prolonged storage are already threatened by food or mildew incidence of pests, such as foods worms and mice, for which there is no obstacle plastic bags. Thus packaged foods in addition can not breathe and retain any moisture. Ideally, these foods have a long-term storage in glass containers with a closure. These provide adequate protection against pests and also to moisture they get ominous.

Error no. 3: Exceeding the maximum shelf life of frozen foods

A common mistake in food storage is exceeded the maximum time for which the food is safe to store. Most often the case for frozen foods. Neither those do not last forever, though it sometimes think. Frozen raw meat can safely in conventional freezers stored for 2-4 months, then boiled for up to one year. Fruits and vegetables can securely freeze for 8-12 months. "During freezing at low temperatures can prolong food shelf life. Generally, for each - 25 ° C for a period to extend by 50%. Such low temperatures, of course not achieve in conventional freezers, but the specialized industrial refrigeration plants, "says Peter Píša. By that date do not call frozen food freezing, we lose sight of how long they are there. Even with frozen food enzymatic processes are not completely stopped and stored and thus perishable food.

Error no. 4: Raw meat are stored for free

Never store raw meat on a plate freely. Before storage, either in the refrigerator or freezer, you must save it in a sealable container. Otherwise, bacteria in raw meat consists contaminate other food storage that will become dangerous to health. These bacteria to get rid of the meat during cooking, but not all the food we cook. Ideal raw meat pour oil lasts then refrigerated 2-3 days. If we want it to be stored outside the refrigerator, it is necessary to add salt and store in a cool place at a temperature of 3-5 ° C.

Error no. 5: Not everything can be stored in the refrigerator

The invention refrigerator revolutionized food storage. Not everything fits into the refrigerator. There is a general misconception that the temperature in the refrigerator can be any vegetable or fruit. This assertion is not correct. Some species by cold exposure degrade, lose their flavor and texture. An example might be tomatoes that due to low temperature maturate and become moučnatými. The same applies to potatoes. Starch at low temperatures is rapidly converted to sugars, and the so paradoxically spoils faster than when it is kept in a cellar at a temperature of about 8-10 ° C. Low temperature can not tolerate even bananas or grapes. Into the refrigerator we should give no bread in a plastic bag. Bread and pastries in general needs to breathe. In addition, the bag retains moisture, which encourages mold development.

Source: tz, editorially modified

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