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Cannabis relieves sore joints

One of the most annoying things a restrictive life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis is pain. On her Mirena is also the treatment of conventional medicine. You are of course irreplaceable. This treatment may not always be sufficiently effective, in addition, it may be troublesome side effects.

So what you are looking for the safest and most effective substances that the patient would be able to get rid of pain . One option is hemp, whose use for medical purposes is already approved in many countries, including the Czech Republic.

Cannabis and its active ingredients, such as cannabidiol that soothes inflammation and pain reliever, or tetrahydrocannabinol (a very similar effect also is psychoactive, it means that its effects are similar to morphine) cause comprehensively. In other words, do not affect only one symptom of the disease, but the disease as a whole.

What can I use cannabis affect:
neurological and neuromuscular diseases (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease)
skin problems (eczema, psoriasis)
nausea accompanying cancer treatments,
pain in cancer
chronic pain
increased activity of the immune system,
rheumatic problems.

Many studies in which it was used cannabis and placebo, confirmed the positive effects of cannabis on the condition of patients with rheumatic diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis. Able to fight on several fronts.

Cannabis in the fight against rheumatism

Contribution of cannabis in the treatment of rheumatic disease is very extensive. It can:
delaying the development of the arthritic process,
improve the condition of the cartilage and bone,
improve the momentum of the body,
dampen the inflammatory response and the production of autoantibodies
prevent damage to the articular tissues,
reduce pain,
reduce morning stiffness,
protect neural structures.

Source: Rheumatic

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