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Thousands of homes are subject to doorstep sellers

Thousands of homes are subject to doorstep sellers Hundreds of municipalities have banned doorstep selling. Yet, according to consumer organization still poses a problem and among the most successful tactics of gaining new customers.

Households vulnerable to coercion and arguments doorstep sellers often do not know what they were signing and exposed to disadvantageous terms and conditions. While the contract may resign, but they must keep an eye on deadlines and proper procedure.

Unfair practices of traders and doorstep selling energy make up almost one third of all complaints households served on the Energy Regulatory Office, which oversees the energy market. Just this year the Czech regulator had approached 8,222 injured consumers. Doorstep selling after complaints constitute the largest volume of cases dealt with and consumer counseling.

Current gimmick: overpriced LED bulbs

Tricks peddler has not changed much - usually posing as a representative of the existing contractor or distributor, including consumers barrage of arguments regarding bargains and require the signature of a new contract immediately. "In some cases, and especially in the territories, where customers are accustomed to E.ON, the itinerant vendors also issued as a representative of our company. The customer should therefore be very careful of who you are and what you were signing, "said Vladimír Vácha, spokesman for E.ON.

Currently argument often used by retailers is to sell energy-saving lamps. Peddler let consumers sign a contract for the supply of energy, which is supplemented by the purchase agreement was to LED lighting. For a while the customer pays a token amount (usually 1 crown), but if he wants to withdraw from such contract, it can easily expose the fine order of 2 000-5 000 Crowns. "The vast majority of consumers will make the mistake of resigning only to contracts for energy and not from the contract, so the bulbs then have to pay, "said Adam Plajner, senior legal adviser SOS - Association.

The possibility of withdrawal more

The contract for the supply of energy signed on doorstep sales, the consumer may withdraw either under the Civil Code, usually within 14 days of signing the contract, or under the Energy Act further 5 days before the start of deliveries. "With the formulation of withdrawal or with the appropriate procedure consumer advice including free legal counseling or Energy Regulatory Authority. It is also reasonable to address a particular vendor whose business is represented and informed him, "suggested Michael Eisner, energy consultant. Given the withdrawal period is valid only until the end of 2015. Since 1. 1. 2016 revised effective energy law, where there are different deadlines.

People can also inquire at the appropriate local authority, whether in their adopted village ordinance against doorstep selling. It now applies to more than 320 cities and towns in the country. If the sales people bypass the households in the village, where a ban on doorstep selling applies, consumers can directly contact the Police or the municipal police, if their communities. Retailers can be fined up to 200,000 crowns.

Pre-arranged meetings

The best, however, is in a similar situation not to get even. Therefore, it is appropriate to verify the identity of the salesman, for example, by calling the customer service line supplier. If an offer looks interesting, it is always better to read it properly. "Itinerant vendors often push the consumer to sign immediately. Fair energy suppliers but also provide time to think," said John Poncarová project Energetická

Visit peddler while not always mean surprises. Some vendors have customers who prefer personal contact, meeting by telephone agreed in advance. In this case, it is not about doorstep selling, but a business meeting between two knowledgeable parties.

Source: tz Lešenská, editorially modified

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