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To functional immunity? Dairy products are a must

For most people of our ethnic origin, the consumption of milk and milk products is extremely beneficial, not only with regard to general nutritional impacts, but even on the immune system.

The essence of the immune system is a rapid proliferation of T, B lymphocytes, after it penetrates the antigenic challenge, a substance which causes the formation of antibodies. After identification of pathogenic microbes have cells of innate immunity rapidly mature in the bone marrow. Cell multiplication are directly dependent on the availability of amino acids that our body uses protein digestion.

"Easily digestible protein in the optimal composition of our body gets from the milk.
They are a source of protein and amino acids, the building blocks for the proliferation of immune cells," explains Professor. Dr.. Jan Krejsek, PhD. the project plus white.

The formation of new cells is extraordinarily complex process that is regulated enzymes. Replicating our genes, preceding cell division is regulated vitamins of group B.

"You play a role again milk is a rich source for the entire spectrum of B vitamins, and thus positively affects cell growth," says
the professor. "During immune responses consist of biological" Mediators ", which are proteins in its composition. Our body produces several grams daily of antibodies, proteins again. The process of making proteins are essential amino acids and trace elements rich in milk. "

Vitamin D regulates immunity

A crucial position in the diet is milk for its high content of vitamin D. It should be noted that vitamin D is in the fat component. It is therefore sufficiently present in whole milk, butter and fatty dairy products.

Vitamin D, along with calcium and phosphorus contained in milk, necessary to restore bone mass, ie. Preventing osteoporosis. This fact has long been known and indisputable. Research in recent years, however, point to other effects of vitamin D in the regulation of our body. A surprisingly large is its role in the control of immunity.

"Immune system cells have receptors for vitamin D. These receptors, after binding of vitamin D regulate the transcription of several hundred genes. Are "Mediators", which absorbs harmful effects of inflammation and thus prevent the development of immune responses. Vitamin D affects the balance of the immunoregulatory T cells. If immunoregulatory T lymphocyte subsets are not in balance, immunity may turn against his own body. The result is severe immunopathological diseases, eg. Multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis, "says the professor.

The most beneficial are fermented dairy products

Milk contains dozens described biologically active substances, cytokines, growth factors, and antibacterial peptides that enhance mucosal and systemic immunity.

"Most information about the beneficial effects on human health have on fermented milk yoghurt type products, which are formed by the selected microorganisms of lactic acid."

Their health benefits first scientifically described by one of the founders of immunology, Ilya Mechnikov, late 19th century. Lactic acid fermentation enhances the absorption of nutrients. However, microorganisms in the fermentation of dairy produce health-promoting substances which enhance gut barrier function and protects against pathogenic microbes.

"Fermented dairy products naturally contain microflora, which we refer to as probiotic microbes. Probiotic microorganisms have unique properties. Survive the aggressive environment of the stomach and have the ability to adhere to the intestinal mucosa and temporarily reproduce here. Very simply put, strengthen the defense reaction of the body and reduces harmful ingredients that could lead to immunopathological processes and disease, "adds Professor. Dr.. Jan Krejsek, PhD. the project plus white .

Source: tz
Author tz: Sarka Pelcová

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